Friday, November 17, 2006

Last night's shindig at Robertson House: Daniel and Carolina's Going Away Party

Jivin' to the beats of an Indian groove...all the best to the Mad German Scientist and Carolina as they become reacquainted with their homeland. last evening in Da House... :´o(

Hi all!

One minute ago, Muhrty came in and asked me for my keys. All my stuff is packed and ready to go... Feels so strange, after living here for 4 months: having only one more evening... *sight*

But I really hope that the idea of this blog catches and I can stay in contact with you guys!

For those who don´t know me:
I´m the guy who´s responsible for the collection of babble on! ;o)

For all who know me (here in Bangalore/Bengaluru) :
It was GREAT to share the last months with you! You are a amazing bunch of people, and I am glad and sad at the same time: glad to get the chance to know you and sad that I have to leave tonight. I really hope to meet some of you again (you´ll never know...), but at least stay in touch with you - one last warning: if you don´t contribute to this blog, I´ll come back and SLAP YOU!

Cheers´n peace out,
The Banana-boy

Welcome one, welcome all

For all those who live or have lived in the greatest trainee house in Bangalore.