Friday, November 17, 2006 last evening in Da House... :´o(

Hi all!

One minute ago, Muhrty came in and asked me for my keys. All my stuff is packed and ready to go... Feels so strange, after living here for 4 months: having only one more evening... *sight*

But I really hope that the idea of this blog catches and I can stay in contact with you guys!

For those who don´t know me:
I´m the guy who´s responsible for the collection of babble on! ;o)

For all who know me (here in Bangalore/Bengaluru) :
It was GREAT to share the last months with you! You are a amazing bunch of people, and I am glad and sad at the same time: glad to get the chance to know you and sad that I have to leave tonight. I really hope to meet some of you again (you´ll never know...), but at least stay in touch with you - one last warning: if you don´t contribute to this blog, I´ll come back and SLAP YOU!

Cheers´n peace out,
The Banana-boy

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