Friday, December 1, 2006

Hmmm... not much going on here... )c:

I hope The House itself is more lively than it´s Blog!
Guys, come on: don´t be that lazy, write something - even if it´s only the usual bullshit that´s going on in the house! *grin*

So, just to give you a reason to DO (i.e. write) something:

  • How are you all? Who moved out after I left, who´s still living in The House?
  • How´s Murthy? Of course I hope the answer will be "not around anymore", but I have my doubts about that... ;o) And what about our cleaning ladies? Did you finally teach them how to clean instead of redistribute the dirt? ...and: any new thefts? I hope not!!!
  • Any progress with the RHML (Robertson House Music Library)?
  • What about all the nice things you wanted to buy (...after I left :o( )? DO you now have BBQ grill? A DVD player? Bean bags? ...dammit, I´d love to have seen that kinda shtuff in The House! :o( I am? In short: Fine! :o) Here´s a bit more detail.

Greetings from organized Germany, where even the autumn leaves fall orderly,



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