Monday, December 4, 2006

Sinterklaas celebration at the Robertson House

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Saturday, December 2, 2006

Driving Test

Indian drivers are known for their passionate distaste of traffic rules, liberal usage of the horn, and uncanny maneuvering abilities. They are also required to pass a rigorous written examination if they wish to obtain an authentic driving license. As a frequent “joy-walker” I must also be aware of proper road regulations. The top ten excerpts from the state of Karnataka’s practice test:

12. Which lane must you be in while making a right turn:-
a. any lane.
b. extreme left lane.
c. extreme right lane.

28. Before leaving a vehicle parked, you should:-
a. Turn the ignition key off.
b. Stop the engine, lock the ignition, remove the key, and set the hand brake.
c. Look the car.

56. Over speeding or dangerous driving:-
a. Attracts strict warning from the authorities.
b. Is an invitation to accident.
c. Is an offence and is punishable under the law.

72. A pedestrian is crossing the street at an intersection in an unmarked cross walk, you should:-
a. Yield or give the pedestrian the “right-of-way’.
b. Proceed with care as pedestrian is ‘joy-walking’.
c. Reduce speed and warn pedestrian.

87. When the Motor Vehicle Inspector demands any information:-
a. Not obligatory to furnish it.
b. It is obligatory to furnish it.
c. He can refuse.

102. Why do we have speed limits?
a. To keep the traffic within a safe speed for existing condition.
b. More vehicles can be used on roads.
c. Authority can identify who is speeding.

106. When you approach a barrier, it is:-
a. Obligatory to stop the vehicle.
b. Mandatory to stop the vehicle.
c. Caution to stop the vehicle

116. When a cow is standing across the road:-
a. As to and wait until it clears the road.
b. Pass if from front.
c. Pass it from behind.

134. A driver shall drive in ‘one way’:-
a. Always in the direction specified by sign board.
b. Reverse direction in emergencies.
c. Both ways on Sundays.

136. If you are fined for any traffic violations you must feel:-
a. Proud.
b. Humiliated.
c. To correct your attitude in future.

Answers: 12. (c), 28. (b), 56. (c), 72. (a), 87. (b), 102. (a), 106. (c), 116. (c), 134. (a), 136. (c)

The complete practice exam can be found on Karnataka’s Road Transport Office website.

Friday, December 1, 2006

Hmmm... not much going on here... )c:

I hope The House itself is more lively than it´s Blog!
Guys, come on: don´t be that lazy, write something - even if it´s only the usual bullshit that´s going on in the house! *grin*

So, just to give you a reason to DO (i.e. write) something:

  • How are you all? Who moved out after I left, who´s still living in The House?
  • How´s Murthy? Of course I hope the answer will be "not around anymore", but I have my doubts about that... ;o) And what about our cleaning ladies? Did you finally teach them how to clean instead of redistribute the dirt? ...and: any new thefts? I hope not!!!
  • Any progress with the RHML (Robertson House Music Library)?
  • What about all the nice things you wanted to buy (...after I left :o( )? DO you now have BBQ grill? A DVD player? Bean bags? ...dammit, I´d love to have seen that kinda shtuff in The House! :o( I am? In short: Fine! :o) Here´s a bit more detail.

Greetings from organized Germany, where even the autumn leaves fall orderly,



Friday, November 17, 2006

Last night's shindig at Robertson House: Daniel and Carolina's Going Away Party

Jivin' to the beats of an Indian groove...all the best to the Mad German Scientist and Carolina as they become reacquainted with their homeland. last evening in Da House... :´o(

Hi all!

One minute ago, Muhrty came in and asked me for my keys. All my stuff is packed and ready to go... Feels so strange, after living here for 4 months: having only one more evening... *sight*

But I really hope that the idea of this blog catches and I can stay in contact with you guys!

For those who don´t know me:
I´m the guy who´s responsible for the collection of babble on! ;o)

For all who know me (here in Bangalore/Bengaluru) :
It was GREAT to share the last months with you! You are a amazing bunch of people, and I am glad and sad at the same time: glad to get the chance to know you and sad that I have to leave tonight. I really hope to meet some of you again (you´ll never know...), but at least stay in touch with you - one last warning: if you don´t contribute to this blog, I´ll come back and SLAP YOU!

Cheers´n peace out,
The Banana-boy

Welcome one, welcome all

For all those who live or have lived in the greatest trainee house in Bangalore.